The Bureau of Young Researchers (BJC) is an organization of postdocs, PhD students, and non-permanent staff aimed at organizing fun and/or scientific events at ICPEES, facilitating the arrival of international students, and communicating requests of young researchers' to the laboratory council and other existing bodies at ICPEES.
Members of BJC:
- Amandine BRIGE, R3N1, Catalyse et Matériaux
- Anastasia PAPPA, R3N1, Catalyse et Matériaux
- Jules WOLF, R3N1, Catalyse et Matériaux
- Ismayil SAFARLI, R1N1, Ingénierie des polymères
Permanent staff in charge of continuity:
- Carlotta Figliola, R3N2, Chimie Moléculaire et Analytique
- Tristan Asset, R3N1, Catalyse et Matériaux
Guides for non-permanent staff
Download the guide for recently arrived foreigners in France
If you wish to join BJC or just to contact us, send an email to icpees-bjc[at]unistra.fr or come see us in person. Follow us on Instagram.