The group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health develops analytical methods for the detection of organic molecules mainly in the air but also in other environmental matrices (water, soils). The activities of the team are structured around 3 research axes:
Research Axis
Axis 1: On-line analytical methods via microfluidic devices for the quantification of air pollutants
On-line methods combine sampling, species separation or selective derivatization reaction and near-real time detection. Microfluidics allows to obtain compact and portable devices.
Keywords: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), formaldehyde, aldehydes, benzene, BTEX, microfluidics, portable instruments, prototyping.
Contact: Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé
Axis 2: Off-line analysis methods via chromatographic techniques
The off-line methods consist in taking the sample on site and analyzing it once back to the laboratory. The active or passive air samplings are performed with adsorbent tubes.
Keywords: Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC), pesticides, PAHs.
Contacts: Prof. Maurice Millet and Dr. Olivier Delhomme
Axis 3: Adsorption study of organic molecules on various materials
The aim is to study the adsorption processes of organic molecules on different adsorbents (zeolites, MOF, etc.) either in air using representative controlled conditions (temperature, relative humidity and pollutant concentrations) or in water.
Mots clés : Adsorption, désorption, Composés Organiques Volatils (COV), formaldéhyde, aldéhydes, benzène, BTEX, BET, courbe de perçage.
Keywords: Adsorption, desorption, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, aldehydes, benzene, BTEX, BET, breakthrough curve.
Contact: Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé
The group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health has many equipments which are distributed within an analysis platform and five technical platforms.
These equipments are accessible to researchers and industrials through collaborations. The analysis platform of organic molecules is also accessible for services.

Analysis platform of organic molecule
Keywords: Organic molecules, UHPLC/Fluorescence, HPLC/MS, GC/MS, Thermodesorber, sample preparation, on-line derivatization.
Contacts: Dr. Anaïs Becker, Prof. Maurice Millet, Dr. Olivier Delhomme, Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé

Technical platform for the analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds
Keywords: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Real time analyzers, Portable formaldehyde analyzer, Portable mini-GC/PID, Autosamplers, HPLC/UV, UHPLC/Fluorescence, GC/MS with thermodesorber, GC/FID with thermodesorber, Adsorbent tubes.
Contact :Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé, Dr. Anaïs Becker

Technical platform for the analysis of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
Keywords: Persistent Organic Pollutants, multi-component method, passive and active samplers, HPLC/MS, GC/MS, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), pesticides, phthalates, sample preparation, on-line derivatization.
Contacts:Prof. Maurice Millet, Dr. Olivier Delhomme, Dr. Anaïs Becker

Technical plateform for the analysis of airborne particles
Keywords: Particle analyzers, particle sensors, real time measurements, size distribution, particle samplers, cascade impactors, PM1, PM2.5, PM10.
Contacts:Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé, Dr. Olivier Delhomme, Dr. Anaïs Becker

Technical platform for the study of the adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds on adsorbent materials
Keywords: Adsorption, desorption, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, aldehydes, benzene, BTEX, BET, breakthrough curve.
Contact :Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé, Dr. Anaïs Becker

FABLAB technical platform for rapid prototyping
Keywords: 3D printers, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Microfluidics, Precision milling machine, Precision 3D printer.
Contact :Dr. Anaïs Becker, Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé
Quality of life at work
The CAMATES team is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for all its members.
With this in mind, it boasts state-of-the-art equipment, including recent instruments such as LC/MS, GC/MS-MS, and GC/MS, enabling high-quality research to be carried out.
Aware of the importance of a pleasant working environment all year round, the team has also equipped its laboratories with reversible air-conditioning systems installed in recent years.
In 2024, a convivial area was created for relaxation, coffee breaks and meals. Coffee is provided free of charge to all members.
The offices are equipped with modern workstations, including computers running Windows 10 or 11, as well as large screens (24 or 27 inches and more), ensuring optimum comfort.
This initiative is part of a continuous improvement process, with a focus on incorporating all suggestions relevant to the team's well-being and efficiency.
Convivial space

Examples of recent analytical instruments

Team members
- Position : post-doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Office : BU4
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R5N1
- Office : BU1
- ICPEES Web Page
- Position : lecturer
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Office : BU4
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Position : study engineer
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Position : ATER
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- ICPEES Web Page
- CV
- Position : research director
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- ICPEES Web Page
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Office : BU3
- ICPEES Web Page
- Position : Professor
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Office : BU01
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Position : doctoral student
- Department : Molecular Chemistry and Analytics
- Team : Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for Environnement and Health
- Localisation : R4N0
- Office : BU09