François Bihl

PhD Student


Building R4, Level 1, Office 02

Key words: Heterogeneous catalysis, CO2 conversion, catalyst synthesis and characterization

  • Member of Département Catalyse et Matériaux, équipe Energies et Carburants pour un Environnement Durable (ECED)
  • PhD funding by ANR
  • 5 oral presentations

Research objective

My PhD project, supervised by Pr. ROGER (ICPEES) and Dr. LOUIS (ICPEES) aims to explore the Sorption Enhanced Reaction Process technology for methanol production.

Academic curriculum

  • 2022 – 2025: PhD in ICPEES, University of Strasbourg, France
  • 2020 – 2022: M2 Chimie Physique et Matériaux, University of Strasbourg, France

Selected publications

  1. Zhou Y., Bihl F., Bonnefont A., Boudon C., Ruhlmann L., Badets V.. Journal of Catalysis. 2022, 405, 212-223.
  2. Saidi M., Bihl F., Gimello O., Louis B., Roger A-C., Trens P., Salles F. Nanomaterials

Specialities, skills

  • Heterogeneous catalysis
  • Catalyst synthesis and characterization
  • Microkinetics