Research objective

My PhD project, supervised by Pr. Laurent RUHLMANN (ILB), Dr. ASSET Tristan (ICPEES), Dr. Alain CHAUMONT (ILB) and Dr. Pierre-Antoine Bonnefont (LEPMI) aims to investigate the molecular environment at the complex interface between electrode and electrolyte in order to establish a better understanding of the electrochemical double layer (EDL) with Molecular Dynamics at constant potential (MD).

Academic curriculum

  • Since 2022: PhD in electrochemistry and computational chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France
  • 2020 – 2022: M2 Universitary School of Research, ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France
  • 2017 – 2020: Physical Chemistry Bachelor at Strasbourg University

Specialities, skills

  • Python programming, Tcl scripts, Bash/Unix/Linux user
  • Molecular Dynamics : Amber, Gromacs, Lammps
  • Modeling of Electrochemical Double-Layer