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Raman Analysis


A Raman spectrometer is coupled with an optical confocal microscope for a non-destructive characterization of the molecular composition and the structure of a material. Moreover, by focusing the laser beam via an optical microscope, we can sound the properties of the material superficially by mapping and on a volume of some microns cubic.


The Raman spectroscopy is based on the principle of the inelastic scattering of the light in a process. The sample is exposed to a laser.

Technical data

Raman Spectrometer: Horyba Jobin Yvon, model: LabRam ARAMIS

Lasers 532nm et 785nm

6 filters Raman
4 gratings: 600, 1200, 1800 et 2400 gr/mm

Confocal Microscope :

Objectives: x10, x50, x50LWD, x100 and x100LWD + x10 for oil immersion
Motorized microscope stage XYZ

Duo-Scan mode : Scanning of the sample on a maxi area of 10x10 mm or point by point for a minimal step of 50nm without moving the sample on a maxi zone of 30 x 30µm

Swift mode: used for ultra-fast confocal Raman mapping (exposure time < 1 second)

Linkam stage: allow analyses to work from -190°C to 300°C on nitrogen or from room temperature to 600°C on water

Analysis conditions / Submit a sample

Analysis conditions

  • Solid sample, flat and horizontal preferably
  • Avoid fluorescent samples
  • Samples must be the most thermally stable
  • It is hard to evaluate the analysed volume (because the depth penetration depends on the character photo-absorbing of the sample)

Submit a sample

  1. Contact Christophe Mélart for training
  2. Fill in the form « Raman analyses » and give it back to Christophe MELART
  3. Contact Christophe Mélart for booking
