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Alexandre Sonnette

post-doctoral fellow

Phone number: +33 (0)3 68 85 27 18

  • Project title: Design and fabrication of microfluidic parts by 3D printing.
  • Supervisor:  Dr. Stéphane LE CALVÉ (ICPEES, UMR 7515).
  • Funding: BBFIL (project collaboration).
  • Thesis starting date: October 2019.
  • Education: Ph.D. thesis in analytical chemistry at the University of Strasbourg (ICPEES, under the supervision of Pr. Maurice Millet).



Research themes

  • Design of microfluidic elements by Computer Aided Design (CAD).
  • Realization of microfluidic elements by 3D printing.
  • Development of microfluidic devices for the analysis of air pollutants.
  • Development of precision 3D printer (BBFIL).

Additional activities

  • Training of trainees, PhD students and permanent staff of ICPEES in the use of 3D printer.
  • Maintenance of 3D printers and modifications to make them more efficient.
