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Anaïs Becker

Research engineer


  • Research engineer
  • Co-director of the anaVOC common laboratory
  • Member of the Chemistry Department
  • Member of the Scientific Council of ICPEES (UMR7515-CNRS)
  • Member of the Quality of Life at Wok unit (QLW)

Research themes

  • Study of VOC sorption on various materials
  • Development of real-time analytical methods based on microfluidic devices for quantification of airborne pollutants
  • Development of sampling and analytical methods for the quantification of semi-volatiles organic compounds airborne pollutants
  • Application of biomonitoring for the evaluation of air quality

Additional activities

  • 3D object design and printing
  • Assembly of laboratory prototype
  • LEAN management
  • Supervision of trainees
  • Master’s degree in Business Engineering at EM
  • Statistical data processing (Xlstat – R software – Originlab)