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Dani Khoury

Ph.D. Student


  • Thesis title: Study of the chemical composition of fog water in Lebanon and Strasbourg in organic and inorganic pollutants.

  • Supervisors:  Pr. Maurice MILLET and Dr. Yasmine JABALI (co-directeur, Liban).

  • Codirection Laboratory: Environmental Engineering Laboratory (EEL) - University of Balamand (UOB).

  • Funding: Lebanese thesis grant.

  • Thesis starting date: October 2019.

  • Education:

  • Master of Science (M1) in Chemical Engineering, University of Balamand, Koura, Lebanon.
  • Reserach Master (M2) in Oil and Gas: Exploration, Production, and Management, Ecole supérieure d’ingénieure de Beyrouth - Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (ESIB-USJ) -  Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris, France (IFP).


Research themes

  • Analysis of phenols and acids by GC-MS.
  • Analysis of pesticides, HAPs, and PCBs by SPME-GC-MS/MS.
  • Analysis of heavy metals by ICP.
  • Analysis of ions by Ionic Chromatography.

Additional activities

  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master students at ICPEES.
  • Exams Supervisor at the faculty of life and earth sciences.
