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Joana Vaz Ramos

Ph.D. Student

Phone number: +33 (0)3 68 85 27 12

  • Thesis title: Design of recyclable magnetic composites for the capture and dosage of organic and biologic micropollutants.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Sylvie BEGIN (IPCMS, UMR 7504) and Dr. Stéphane LE CALVÉ (ICPEES, UMR 7515).
  • Funding: Doctoral Contract of CNRS - CAPTALL project (Institut Carnot MICA), FIGHTVIRUS project (Region Grand Est/ANR).
  • Thesis starting date: January 2021.
  • Education: Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering with specialization in Biosystems at University of Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Coauthor of 2 publications.

Research themes

  • Synthesis of iron oxide nanostructures and carbon/iron oxide composites.
  • Adsorption studies of organic pollutants (PAHs, aromatic compounds, etc.) on various nanomaterials, either in air or water.
  • Quantification of PAHs by UHPLC-FLuorescence.
  • Quantification of particulate matter in air.

Additional activities

  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master students at ICPEES.
  • Design by CAD and realization of objects by 3D printing.
