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Stephane Le Calvé

Research Director at CNRS

Phone number: +33 (0)3 68 85 03 68

  • Research Director (DR1) at CNRS in Strasbourg (UMR 7515, ICPEES).
  • Head of Group of Analytical Chemistry and Materials for the Environment and Health (previous name: group of Atmospheric Physical Chemistry).
  • Head of Department of Molecular and analytical Chemistry.
  • Involved in 37 projects including 6 European projects (21 times as coordinator, 16 times as Principal Ivestigator).
  • Supervision of 25 PhD thesis (including 4 in progress).
  • Co-author of 115 publications (Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Environment, Instrumentation, Microfluidics).
  • Co-author of 6 patents (as first author) including 3 with license.
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal “Chemosensors”.
  • Recipient of the CNRS doctoral and research supervision bonus (award criteria: excellence of scientific work).

Research theme

  • Research topic 1: development of real-time analytical methods based on microfluidic devices for quantification of airborne pollutants (70%  of his time)
  • Research topic 2: emissions, metrology, and reactivity of pollutants in the atmosphere (10% of his time)
  • Research topic 3: Study of VOC sorption on various materials (30% of his time)