The ICPEES Department of Chemistry for the Environment and Health is in the spotlight in July 2024 with 5 projects funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR):
TraSIPT: TADF Emitters with Frustrable ESIPT Properties (coordinator: Dr. Julien Massue, ICPEES).
ABPERO: Design of hybrid perovskite-based composite materials as electromagnetic wave absorbers (coordinator: Prof. Sylvie Bégin-Colin, ICPEES).
LumiCuP: Luminescent monomers and supramolecular polymeric assemblies of Cu(I) with scalable proton transfer properties (Coordinator: Dr. Guillaume Calvez (INSA Rennes), partner: Dr. Julien Massue, ICPEES).
PHYTOBIRD: Birds as sentinels and early warning signals for risks linked to pesticides and zoonoses in humans (Coordinator: Dr. Jérome Moreau (Univ. La Rochelle), partner: Prof. Maurice Millet, ICPEES).
ON-LINE PAC ANALYSIS: Development of a miniaturized instrument, based on a specific adsorbent and a selective microdetector, for the continuous analysis of polyaromatic compounds (PACs) in air (Coordinator: Dr. Stéphane Le Calvé, ICPEES).