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Main scientific results

For ozone, the development has been successful, the consortium being able to find an alternative methodology to the standard colorimetric detection to quantify ozone in air. The ozone microanalyser is based on the measurement performed by an electrochemical ozone sensor coupled to an electrochemical NO2 sensor in order to eliminate the possible interferences caused by the presence of airborne nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The ozone microanalyser exhibits a fast and linear response to airborne ozone concentrations in the range of interest, i.e., 0 – 1 000 ppb, either in controlled laboratory conditions or at topic manager facilities.

Concerning the VOC analyser, a microfluidic preconcentration unit had to be integrated into an existing BTEX analyser to improve the sensitivity of the device, as well as a second detector to increase the number of detectable molecules. These two tasks were carried out successfully leading to a rudimentary laboratory prototype. This development performed by academic partners has led to several publications in peer-review journals focused either on the preconcentration unit itself or on the study of different adsorbents for VOC trapping before their desorption and analysis. More particularly, two papers describing the experimental development done on two miniaturized preconcentration systems have been published. In addition, the work done on the second preconcentrator version has also led to a patent submission by the CNRS (ICPEES, partner 1). Unfortunately, the final demonstrator of the VOC analyser was not completed by the industrial partner and therefore was not validated in the allotted time, in particular because of the COVID-19 health crisis.

Illustration for the ozone analyser

Illustration for the VOC analyser

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