Directeur de Recherche

Research Institute: Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l'Énergie, l'Environnement et la Santé (ICPEES), UMR CNRS 7515

Research group: Groupe Chimie Organique pour les Matériaux et la Biologie (COMBO)

Directeur de Recherche CNRS

Tel : 33 (0)3 68 85 26 96

Email : gulrich[at]

Group leader of COMBO team (4 perm. Staff, 5 PhD)

Deputy Director of ICPEES-UMR7515

Director of Doctorate School of Chemistry of University of Strasbourg (ED222)

Co-author of >155 peer reviewed articles, 15 Patents, h-factor: 54, >11500 citations

Editorial Board “Dyes & pigments” (Elsevier, IF: 4.889); Scopus Author ID: 7006833452ResearcherID: Q-6710-2016

Keywords: Heterocyclic chemistry, Luminescence, Boron complexes, Proton transfer, , Photophysical properties

Research topics

  • Organic chemistry
  • Heterocyclic chemistry
  • Boron Complexes
  • Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT)
  • Bioinspired & Biosourced luminophore
  • Detection & labelling
  • Physical Chemistry: Absorption and Emission spectroscopies, Electrochemistry

Research experience and education


May 2007      Habilitation to Direct Research

Mar 1996      PhD in chemistry Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.

Professional experience

Since 2009    Research Director (DR1, CNRS, Strasbourg)

2002- 2009   Research Officer (CNRS, Strasbourg). " Realization of organic fluorescent systems with specific functionalities."

1999- 2002   Research Officer (CNRS, Toulouse) ." Development of new lanthanide (III) ion complexing agents for time-resolved fluorimetry

1998- 99        Post-Doctoral (ECPM, Strasbourg). " Study of the complexation of lanthanides (iii) and thorium (iv) by calixarene derivatives " F. Arnaud-Neu

1997- 98        Post-Doctoral (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany). " Synthesis and study of intramolecular electron transfer, aromatic derivatives rich in electrons pi" J.J. Wolff

1996- 97        Post-Doctoral (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)  (JSPS Fellowship) " Synthesis and study of the properties of C60 fullerenes carrying stable radicals." H.Iwamura

1993-96         PhD (Strasbourg, MRT). R. Ziessel " Synthesis of multifunctional molecules from nitroxyl radicals, oligopyridines and calix[4]arenes: magnetic and fluorescence properties."

List of 5 key/relevant publications

- F. Ceugniet, Q. Huaulmé, A. Sutter, D. Jacquemin, N. Leclerc, G. Ulrich Chem. Eur. J. 202228, e202200130, Hetero-Substituted αβ-Fused BODIPY

- Q. Huaulme, S. Fall, P. Leveque; G. Ulrich, N. Leclerc, Chem.Eur. J. 201925, 6613-6620 Pairing of α-Fused BODIPY: Towards Panchromatic n-Type Semiconducting Materials

D. Frath, K. Benelhadj, M. Munch, J. Massue, G. Ulrich, Journal of Organic Chemistry 201681, 9658-9668.. Polyanils and Polyboranils: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Aggregation-Induced Emission

R. Ziessel, G. Ulrich, A. Haefele, A. Harriman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013135, 11330-11344. An artificial light-harvesting array constructed from multiple Bodipy dyes.

G Ulrich, R Ziessel and Anthony Harriman Angew Chem, Int. Ed.2008, 47, 7, 1184-1201: The Chemistry of Fluorescent Bodipy Dyes: Versatility Unsurpassed  >2000 citations