PhD Student


Google Scholar Julie Guehl

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ORCID: 0009-0004-0095-7643

Building R3, Level 1, Office 5

Key words: Alkaline electrolyzers, HER (Hydrogen Evolution Reaction), Nickel

  • Member of Département of Catalysis and Materials, Electrochemistry and Energy Conversion team (ECE)
  • PhD funding by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under France 2030 program and reference ANR-PEHY-0010 (project PEPRH2-DAEMONHYC)
  • 5 publications
  • 1 oral presentation and 3 posters

Octobre 2024 | Oral | 4ème réunion plénière de la Fédération de recherche Hydrogène du CNRS, La Grande Motte, France

Juin 2024 | Poster | 37th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Stresa, Italie

Juin 2024 | Poster | Journée Plénière de l'Hydrogène, à l'Université de Strasbourg, France

Mars 2024 | Poster | PEPR H2 Day, Grenoble, France

Research Objective

My PhD project, supervised by Pr. Elena SAVINOVA (ICPEES), Dr. Eric SIBERT (LEPMI), Dr. Tristan ASSET (ICPEES) and Dr. Alexandr Oshchepkov (ICPEES) aims to developp cathode materials for an anion exchange membrane electrolyzer for large-scale green hydrogen production. The project focuses on developing nickel-based materials and Ni/metal oxide composites, studied at the level of model surfaces and nanoparticles, and optimized for production as electrodes of 25-30 cm². These electrodes must maintain their performance under operating conditions, be compatible with other components of the electrolyzer (e.g., membrane, ionomer, etc.), and function efficiently in the presence of diluted alkaline salt electrolytes.

Academic curriculum

  • Since 2023: PhD student in electrochemistry at ICPEES, ED222, France
  • 2023: Master in BioPhysicoChemistry, Franco-German double degree
  • 2022 – 2023: M2 in Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 2021 – 2022: M1 Physical Chemistry, Informatics, Analytical Chemistry, and Materials, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France
  • 2018 – 2021: Bachelor in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France

Academic curriculum

  • Since 2023: PhD student in electrochemistry at ICPEES, ED222, France
  • 2023: Master in BioPhysicoChemistry, Franco-German double degree
  • 2022 – 2023: M2 in Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 2021 – 2022: M1 Physical Chemistry, Informatics, Analytical Chemistry, and Materials, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France
  • 2018 – 2021: Bachelor in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France

Selected publications

  1. Linke, J., Rohrbach, T., Clark, A. H., Borca, C., Huthwelker, T., Buchauer, F. L., Kraglund, M. R., Chatzichristodoulou, C., Meade, E., Guehl, J., Wojtas, M., Ranocchiari, M., Schmidt, T. J., & Fabbri, E. (2025). The role of Fe incorporation into Ni-MOF-74 derived oxygen evolution electrocatalysts for anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. EES Catalysis.
  2. Makarchuk, I., Rotonnelli, B., Royer, L., Hettler, S., Gallet, J. J., Bournel, F., Guehl, J., Brige, A., Zitolo, A., Kéranguéven, G., Bonnefont, A., Arenal, R., Savinova, E., Asset, T., & Pichon, B. P. (2025). Effect of Shell Thickness on the Oxygen Evolution Activity of Core@shell Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials.
  3. Medrano-Banda, A., Guehl, J., Kéranguéven, G., Oshchepkov, A., Savinova, E., & Bonnefont, A. (2024). Dual-path glucose electrooxidation reaction on Ni(OH)2/NiOOH catalysts in alkaline media. Electrochimica Acta, 476.
  4. Royer, L., Guehl, J., Zilbermann, M., Dintzer, T., Leuvrey, C., Pichon, B. P., Savinova, E., & Bonnefont, A. (2023). Influence of the catalyst layer thickness on the determination of the OER activity of Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 core-shell nanoparticles. Electrochimica Acta, 446.


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