Antoine Borg receives an award from the Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences (ED 222) at the annual doctoral students' day (January 2025).

The Doctoral Students' Day 2024 of Strasbourg's Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences (ED 222) took place on 23 January 2025. On this occasion, 24 doctoral students gave oral presentations of their thesis work. At the end of the day, Antoine BORG had the honour of receiving one of the four prizes awarded by ED222. His presentation focused on the development of predictive models of glucose and biomass for real-time monitoring of fermentation using Raman spectroscopy.

Antoine BORG is working on his thesis under the supervision of Mourad Elhabiri (LIMA, UMR 7042) and Stéphane Le Calvé (ICPEES, UMR 7515) in collaboration with Euroapi. The subject of his thesis is the development of methods for the continuous analysis of vitamin B12.

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