Professor at University of Strasbourg, Ecole Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM)

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Head of the team “Engineering of hybrid nanomaterials for health, energy and environment”
Supervision of 23 PhDs (4 in course), 42 Master students, 14 post-docs and 2 ATER.
216 publications, 11 book chapters, 3 patents, more than 200 communications, 90 invited conferences.
1992-2003 : Physicochemical transformations induced in high energy ball-milled oxides and mechanochemistry. Synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) of metals and oxides by an organometallic route.
Since 2003: Synthesis, functionalization and organization of hybrid nanoparticles for health, energy and environmental applications:
- Functionalized nanoparticles for health: engineering of theranostic nanoparticles for cancer treatment – contrast agents for early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease – Phosphate removal in peritoneal dialysis process
- Environment: iron oxide@carbon composite materials: pollutants adsorbents for air and water depollution: HAPs, PFAS and plastics
- Hybrid perovskites: Electrode materials for supercapacitors and batteries - Photon and X-Ray- detectors - Electromagnetic wave absorbing materials
Organization of conferences, conferences, study days: 22
Research Networks: 18
Other Programs / Projects: 41
Industrial contracts: 13
Financing of a CNRS pre-maturation project/contribution to the creation of a start-up in 2019
October 2001 : Price Jean Rist of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials
Since 2011 : Scientific Excellence Award
2018 : Chevalier de l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
Since 2003: Professor at the University of Strasbourg - ECPM
- 2003-2023: at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials (IPCMS) , UMR 7504-CNRS-UNISTRA-ECPM, Head of the team “Chemical Engineering of functional nanomaterials”.
- Since October 2023: research at ICPEES, UMR 7515 CNRS-UNISTRA-ECPM. Head of the team “Engineering of hybrid nanomaterials for health, energy and environment”
September 1992 to august 2003: CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Science and Engineering of Metallurgy and Materials of the Mining School of INP Nancy.
- 1999: Habilitation (HDR): “Physico-chemical transformations induced in oxides by high energy ball-milling” – University of Nancy
- 1992: PhD, Nancy I University, Nancy (Specialty: Science and Engineering of materials)
- 1989: Chemical Engineer of « Ecole Européenne des Hautes Etudes des Industries Chimiques » of Strasbourg (E.H.I.C.S) now European Engineering School in Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM)
1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses at ECPM, ENSI (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs) engineering school, in the chemistry of (nano)materials and their applications and at the Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) engineering school.
In the field of materials, hybrid nanomaterials, their properties and applications in health and environment.
216- Spacer Engineering in Nanoparticle-Peptide Conjugates Boosts Targeting Specificity for Tumor-Associated Antigens, M. de los Angeles Ramírez, J. Bou-Gharios, B. Freis, J. Draussin, C.Cheignon, L. Charbonniere, S. Laurent, T. Gevart, A. Gasser2, S. Jung, F. Rossetti, O. Tillement, G. Noel, X.Pivot, A. Detappe,,S. Bégin-Colin,S. Harlepp, Nanoscale, under review
215- Defects or no defects? Or how to design 20–25 nm spherical iron oxide nanoparticles to harness both magnetic hyperthermia and photothermia, B Freis, C Kiefer, M de los Angeles Ramirez, S Harlepp, D Mertz, B. Pichon, C. Iacovita, S. Laurent, S. Begin 2024, Nanoscale Advance Article, DOI : 10.1039/D4NR01397B
214- Tailoring the pore structure of iron oxide core@stellate mesoporous silica shell nanocomposites: effects on MRI and magnetic hyperthermia properties and applicability to anti-cancer therapies, J. Bizeau, J. Journaux-Duclos, C. Kiefer, B.Freis, D. Ihiawakrim, M. de los Angeles Ramirez, T. Lucante, K. Parkhomenko, C. Vichery, J. Carrey, O. Sandre, C. Bertagnolli, O. Ersen, S. Bégin-Colin, V. Gigoux, D. Mertz, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 15585-15614
213- Magnetic anisotropy engineering in onion-structured metal oxide nanoparticles combining double exchanged coupling and proximity effect, K. Sartori, R. Lopez-Martin, F. Choueikani, A. Gloter, J.-M. Greneche, S. Bégin-Colin, D. Taverna, J.A. De Toro, B.P. Pichon, Nanoscale Advances 2024,6, 2903-2918.
212- Impact of Tannic Acid on Iron Oxide Nanosclusters Synthesized by a Polyol Solvothermal Method, Joana Vaz-Ramos, Theo Lucante, Jean-Marc Greneche, Cedric Leuvrey, Vasiliki Papaefthymiou, Spyridon Zafeiratos, Anne Carton, Dominique Bégin, Stéphane Le Calvé, Sylvie Begin-Colin, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 689, 133658.
211- Solvent-free Mechanosynthesis of MAPbI3@graphite composites with strong interfaces and promising photodetection properties, Y. Cai, D. Begin, C. Sidhoum, A. Girault, T. Fix, C. Lefevre, W. Belayachi, A. Dinia, D. Preziosi, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, E. Gros-Daillon, F. Ledee, O. Ersen, C. Sanchez, S. Begin-Colin, Chem. Mater 2023, 35 (23), 10188-10205
210- A Preclinical Platform to Thoroughly Evaluate Novel Nanocomposites in the Full Spectrum of Drug Discovery (in vitro-in vivo-ex vivo) Towards Cancer Treatment, Sophia Sarpaki, Eliza Lambidis, Antonis Skliris, Maria Ramirez, Sylvie Begin-Colin, Maritina Rouchota, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2023, 126, 108598
209- Development of an Online Instrument for Continuous Gaseous PAH Quantification: Laboratory Evaluation and Comparison with The Offline Reference UHPLC-Fluorescence Method, Joana Vaz-Ramos, Mathilde Mascles, Anaïs Becker, Damien Bourgain, Audrey Grandjean, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Franck Amiet, Damien Bazin, Stéphane Le Calvé, Chemosensors, 2023, 11(9), 496.
208- Grafting of Crown Ether and Cryptand Macrocycles on Large Pore Stellate Mesoporous Silica for Sodium Cation Extraction, Paula Duenas-Ramirez, Caroline Bertagnolli, Robin Weiss, Joëlle Bizeau, Loïc Jierry, Philippe Choquet, Ariane Zaloszyc, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Damien Mertz, Molecules, 2023, 28(12) 4622.
207- Effect of the Size and Shape of Dendronized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Bearing a Targeting Ligand on MRI, Magnetic Hyperthermia, and Photothermia Properties-From Suspension to In Vitro Studies, B. Freis, M. De Los Ángeles Ramírez, C. Kiefer, S. Harlepp, C. Iacovita, C. Henoumont, C. Affolter-Zbaraszczuk, F. Meyer, D. Mertz, A. Boos, M. Tasso, S. Furgiuele, F. Journe, S. Saussez, S. Bégin-Colin, S. Laurent, Pharmaceutics, 2023,15(4):1104
206- Magnetic few-layer graphene nanocomposites for the highly efficient removal of benzo (a) pyrene from water, J. Vaz-Ramos, D. Bégin, P. Duenas-Ramirez, A. Becker, M. Galmiche, M. Millet, S. Bégin-Colin, S.Le Calvé, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2023, 10, 1660-1675
205- Phosphate Capture Enhancement using Designed Iron Oxide-based Nanostructures, Pa. Duenas Ramirez, Chaedong Lee, R. Fedderwitz, A. R. Clavijo, D. P. P. Barbosa, M. Julliot, J. Vaz-Ramos, D. Begin, S. Le Calvé, A. Zaloszyc, P. Choquet , M. A. G. Soler, D. Mertz, P. Kofinas, Yuanzhe Piao and S. Begin-Colin, Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 587
204 - Bioconjugation studies of an EGF-R targeting ligand on dendronized iron oxide nanoparticles to target head and neck cancer cells, B. Freis, M. De Los Ángeles Ramírez, S. Furgiuele, F. Journe, C. Cheignon, L. J. Charbonnière, C. Henoumont, C. Kiefer, D. Mertz, C. Affolter-Zbaraszczuk, F. Meyer, S. Saussez, S. Laurent, M. Tasso, S. Bégin-Colin, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2023, 635, 122654