Main Research Topics
- Biopolymers: polysaccharides & bacterial polymers
- Biodegradable (co)polyesters
- Durable macromolecular architectures based on building blocks from renewable & biomass sources (lignin, tannin, fatty acid, sugar,), to produce membranes & foams (TPU, PUR, PIR, NIPU, PA, PI,) in a "cradle to cradle" approach
- Biobased dissociative and associative CAN: Vitrimers, DA,
- White Biotech: Enzymatic catalysis & degradation / Bio-recycling
- Biomaterials for biomedical: Tissue Engineering, Electrospinning, 3D/4D Printing, Bio-adhesives.
Biography (abstract)
Pr. Luc Avérous from University of Strasbourg (France) is a Group Leader (BioTeam), Head of a Joint Research Lab (Mutaxio) with Soprema Group, and former Research Unit Director.
As a young Polymer Engineer (EAHP-Strasbourg), he started working in packaging R&D for a pharmaceutical industry (Synthelabo -L'Oréal Group), & then in research @University of Montpellier, as a junior scientist in polymer chemistry.
In 1995, he obtained his Ph.D. in Polymer Science & Eng. from Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech). After 2 postdoc positions (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal-Canada,), he started in 1997 as A/Prof. @Packaging Eng. School (ESIEC-Reims). He finally became a Full Professor @ECPM (European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science - Strasbourg) in 2003. He teaches in the fields of bioplastics, composites, and polymer processing.
During the last 30 years, his research activities have been focused on (bio)synthesis, formulation, characterization, & process of polymers. His main projects have dealt with biobased, sustainable and/or biodegradable polymers for environmental & biomedical applications. As a leading international expert in these fields, he has developed strong collaborations with several foreign labs (Australia, Latin America, Canada, EU,) & major companies (Soprema, Tereos, Stellantis, Peters Surgical, Veolia, Sartorius,). He is involved in different national (BpiFrance, PIA, ANR,) and international (H2020, EU-China, AUF,) projects. He serves as a member of research advisory boards for companies. He is regularly invited to co-organize conferences, to chair symposia & to give plenary or keynote lectures. He is a member of several Journals' Editorial Boards & Panels (ERC, H2020, Horizon, FWO, AKA-Fi,). He is a referee for journals, books, international institutions & projects. He is named among the World’s Top 1% Scientists.
He has co-edited 4 books, published 40 book chapters & about 250 articles with Impact Factors, with more than 20,000 citations. Orcid N°: 0000-0002-2797-226X.