
Development of continuous, real-time Analysis methods for Volatile and semi-volatile Organic Compounds.


Launched in June 2023 for a period of 4 years, the LABCOM anaVOC – Development of continuous and real-time analysis methods for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds – aims to develop analysis methods and instruments operating continuously and in real-time. The methods are based on micro-fluidic devices, allowing quantification of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in the air (including the particulate phase) and water.

These developments will be organized along several of the research lines listed below, some of which are aimed at developing a component of an analytical device for quantifying VOCs and SVOCs in air (or in water).


LABCOM research areas

  1. LABCOM research areas:

  2. Development of sampling and preconcentration devices
  3. Development of analyte separation systems
  4. Development of detectors
  5. Development of calibration devices
  6. Development of analyte derivation methods
  7. Validation of developments under controlled laboratory conditions
  8. Validation of developments under real conditions

These research areas are described in detail on the  LABCOM anaVOC website.

LABCOM managers


Institut de chimie et procédés pour l’énergie, l’environnement et la santé (ICPEES)


Stéphane LE CALVÉ

Scientific manager
Institut de chimie et procédés pour l’énergie, l’environnement et la santé (ICPEES)


Damien BAZIN



airmotec AG / Chromatotec

airmotec AG, an independant French family-owned company, is part of the Chromatotec Group, which designs and manufactures on-line analytical solutions for the characterization of gases and liquids.

airmotec AG integrates the Research & Development activities that are an integral part of the group’s development strategy, as part of the continuous improvement of the quality of the instruments. To achieve this, the company employs engineers with extensive experience and know-how in analytical solutions and has dedicated laboratories. airmotec also develops its own proprietary electronics and IT.

airmotec AG is involved in the European PurPest project, for which its expertise in VOCs analysis will help develop and implement a portable GC system for monitoring and analysing BVOCs.  



The Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, the Environment and Health (ICPEES) is a joint research unit (UMR 7515) under the joint supervision of the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg.

The Institute’s cross-disciplinary skills enable it to deal with global issues ranging from the synthesis of molecules to the development of the final object for applications linked to energy, the environment and health. The Institute is organised into three research departments at the forefront of new technologies for developing innovative materials: Catalysis and Materials, Chemistry for Environment and Health, Polymer Engineering.

AAt ICPEES level, the CAMATES team - Analytical Chemistry and Materials for the Environment and Health - is involved in LABCOM anaVOC because of its expertise in analytical chemistry, instrumentation, microfluidics and air pollution.


Partnership projects

ANRT/CIFRE (2021-2024): Development of analysis methods and portable or transportable instruments for quantifying formaldehyde in the air.

PurPest (2023-2026, European project): Development of analytical methods for characterising biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by plants infested with pests.

ANR ONLINE-PAC ANALYSIS (2024-2028): Development of a low-cost miniaturised instrument for the continuous analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs) in air, based on a new specific adsorbent.

Publications/Patent/PhD thesis/Conferences (non-exhaustive lists)

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

A. Grandjean, A. Becker, C. Kustner, M. Wolf, C. Sutter, R. Severac, J.-P. Amiet, D. Bazin, S. Le Calvé*, Portable temperature-controlled permeation device for the generation of formaldehyde gas standard, Microchemical journal, 206, 111544, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2024.111544.

J. Vaz-Ramos, M. Mascles, A. Becker, D. Bourgain, A. Grandjean, S. Bégin-Colin, F. Amiet, D. Bazin, S. Le Calvé*, Development of an Online Instrument for Continuous Gaseous PAH Quantification: Laboratory Evaluation and Comparison with The Offline Reference UHPLC-Fluorescence Method, Chemosensors, 11, 496, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors11090496.

A. Grandjean*, D. Bazin, F. Amiet, S. Le Calvé, Comparison of two Analytical Systems for Continuous Monitoring of ppb to ppm-levels of Formaldehyde in Air, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 95, 67-72, 2022. DOI: 10.3303/CET2295012.

PhD thesis

A. Grandjean, Développement de méthodes d’analyse et d’instruments portables ou transportables pour la quantification du formaldéhyde dans l’air, Thèse de l’Université de Strasbourg, soutenue le 28 mai 2024.

A. Ghaddar, Développement de méthodes analytiques pour la caractérisation des composés organiques volatils biogéniques émis par les plantes infestées de parasites, Thèse de l’Université de Strasbourg, Septembre 2023 – Septembre 2026.


M. Mascles, A. Grandjean, S. Le Calvé, D. Bazin, F. Amiet, Development and comparison of three analytical systems for detection and quantification of formaldehyde and other aldehydes for process, indoor and ambient air emissions, 14ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone des Sciences Séparatives (AFSEP), Paris, 5-7 septembre 2021 (présentation affichée & proceeding).

A. Grandjean, D. Bazin, F. Amiet, S. Le Calvé, Analytical Systems for Continuous Monitoring of ppb- to ppm-levels of Formaldehyde and other Aldehydes in Air, 8th International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control (NOSE), Taormina (Italie), 11-14 Septembre 2022 (Oral presentation & proceeding).

T. Salameh, A. Grandjean, J.P. Amiet, D. Bazin, S. Le Calvé, New and classical techniques to measure formaldehyde – a laboratory intercomparison, MetClimVOC workshop: Metrology for atmospheric monitoring, Lyon (France), 7 mars 2023 (presentation orale).

M. Mascles, J.-Amiet, S. Le Calvé, D. Bazin, Development and implementation of a portable in-field GC system for plant pests detection, 15ème Congrès francophone sur les Sciences Séparatives et les couplages de l’AFSEP, Paris, 18-20 mars 2023 (présentation orale & proceeding).

J. Vaz-Ramos, A. Becker, F. Ramadzan Nursanto, M. Mascles, D. Bourgain, M. Galmiche, O. Delhomme, M. Millet, D. Bazin, S. Bégin-Colin, S. Le Calvé, Development of analytical methods for the detection and quantification of PAHs in the environment and their application in the study of air quality in Strasbourg in France, 15ème Congrès francophone sur les Sciences Séparatives et les couplages de l’AFSEP, Paris, 18-20 mars 2023 (présentation affichée & proceeding).

A. Becker, A. Grandjean, C. Sutter, M. Wolf, F. Amiet, D. Bazin and S. Le Calvé, Comparison of two Portable and Modular Gas Generators of ppb-levels of Formaldehyde for calibration of analysers and sensors, IMA-2023: 13th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Chania, Crete (Grèce), 17-20 Septembre 2023 (présentation affichée & proceeding).

A. Grandjean, A. Becker, M. Wolf, C. Sutter, F. Amiet, D. Bazin, S. Le Calvé, Continuous Monitoring of ppb-levels of Formaldehyde: Comparison of Analytical Systems and Development of a Portable Calibration Generator, IMA-2023: 13th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Chania, Crete (Grèce), 17-20 Septembre 2023 (présentation orale & proceeding).


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